Soft Skills

 Soft Skills can be defined as the implicit skills that you possess that relate to who you are and how you work. They tend to be non-technical skills, such as interpersonal skills, like teamwork, communication and listening skills. Soft Skills also include time management, work ethic, adaptability and creativity, amongst any other skill that promotes productivity and efficiency within the workplace that doesn’t directly relate to the job. It can be said that soft skills can be just as sought after as hard or technical skills by employers and both are required to make sure you are a well- rounded candidate or employee. These are non-specific and are transferable from one job to another, or even one industry to another. 

  Identification of soft skills is the most important part of developing these skills, because, unlike hard skills, they cannot be taught and are harder to learn in traditional settings due to being unable to measure and evaluate them. 

If you have had any work experience, the chances are you’ve already developed some of these valuable skills. For example, whilst working in retail, teamwork, problem solving, and communication skills will have all been used regularly. If you’re new to work, soft skills will still have been developed, such as compromise, time management and organisation whilst at school or college. Soft skills aren’t all necessarily acquired in formal environments like schools or workplaces, but can come from playing sport or caring for someone in need. 

Identification of your soft skills comes from reflection on one's own experiences and activities and can be done by asking yourself questions about what skills you acquired. Self reflection can even highlight what soft skills you do not have or ones that you need to develop more. Personal development of these skills will be very important for your overall career success!


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